During his speech on March 5th, 2014, in the context of the discourse made in the military parade in homage of the first year of the passing away of the ex president Hugo Chávez Frías, made in Los Proceres in Caracas city, the President Maduro expressed: “Today March 5th remnants of violence groups had threaten our nation by shutting the streets down.
The country it’s freely and peacefully operating since this morning and it will be like that all day and the days to come. I want to make a special award to the Bolivarian National Guard that has been combating for peace in streets. Today small groups tried to shutting the streets and burn main routes. Alright: Fire that turn on, fire that will be turn off. I make a call to the nation, to Battle Units Bolívar Chávez, to Communal councils, social movements, communes, youthful movements, workers, farmers and women, I call to our people to make worth, in its community, the order of our major Hugo Chávez: Fire that turn on, fire that we turn off with organized people, to guarantee peace to our country”.
With these words, president Nicolas Maduro is encouraging confrontation against nation, where history shows that the poorest are the main victims. This call also urges people to commit illegal and unconstitutional acts, as instructed in conducting control public policy would only apply to armed state bodies.
Article 332 of the Constitution is quite clear on what bodies that must maintain public order in the country are: » The National Executive to maintain and restore public order, protect citizens, households and families, support decisions of the competent authorities and ensure the peaceful enjoyment of constitutional rights and guarantees in conformity with the law, organize: a uniformed national police force, a body of scientific investigations criminal and criminal investigations, a body of fire department and administration civilian emergency, an organization of civil protection and disaster management. The public security organs are civil and respect the dignity and human rights without discrimination”.
The role of public security organs is a concurrent jurisdiction with the states and municipalities in terms of this Constitution and the law. The statements of Nicolas Maduro not only incorporated conducting public safety tasks to organizations that are not authorized by the Constitution or the laws. Installing the National Peace Conference President said he had to respect the Constitution, a claim that we share and therefore we require him to keep his word.
In the same way we must emphasize that reiterating his greetings to the Bolivarian National Guard (BNG) the president is supporting the serious violations to the human rights that this component of the Armed Force has been making in the last weeks and generates conditions to make that these actions will be repeated and increased. For these reasons we make him once again responsible for the victims that repression can keep causing.
Exhorting civilians to face people between each other and support serious violations to the human rights by the National Guard are acts of odds with a National Peace Conference to look reduce violence both individuals and the State itself.
Provea demands to president Nicolas Maduro to rectify on his statements and enforce the provisions of the Constitution and laws. The State is responsible for the violations of the human rights of civil groups encouraged from the Executive, and such statements do not help to create conditions for dialogue and harmony among Venezuelans. We also recall that the human rights violations that may take place by civilian encouraged for the National Executive make it responsible of such acts.
Finally, Provea wishes to reiterate to make the protests peacefully, as well as under Article 68 of the Constitution, but also the political circumstances of the country to demand the cessation of violence. (Provea Press)